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Strava Races Half Marathon

Run a half marathon this March.

Challenge Ended: March 31, 2014
Strava is challenging you to run a half marathon as fast as you can between March 1st and March 31st.

Unlike a typical half marathon, tackle this Challenge from any location, at any time of day. Skip the travel and the pre-dawn alarm clock. Don't skip the chance to push yourself, and the pace, to see how far you can climb the Leaderboard.

Just pick a safe stretch of road or trail, record an activity that is at least 13.1 miles (21.1 km) long, and see where you stack up against runners across the world.

How it Works: 
Your position on the Leaderboard is based on the fastest average pace of any activity that meets the Challenge goal requirements. The average pace is taken based on elapsed time and includes the entire duration of the qualifying activity (not just the fastest 13.1 mile section of your activity).
  • 15,391
  • 164,745
    Total Miles Run