April Half Marathon logo

April Half Marathon

Run a half marathon this month.

Challenge Ended: April 30, 2020
We expect all athletes to honor the Strava Community Standards, which includes abiding by all health advisements and restrictions in your area prior to undertaking any physical activity.

With this in mind, GPS, manual entries, virtual activities and treadmill workouts will count toward this challenge. Many of you take a lot of well-deserved pride in your challenge accomplishments, and we want to help you stay motivated even if you aren't able to get outside as you normally would. There's never been a better time for us to make indoor activities count toward challenges, and so we're happy to respond to this long-standing request.


Race a half marathon whenever and wherever you like in April to complete this Challenge. Skip the registration fees and pre-dawn wake-up. Don't skip the chance to push yourself and set a new HM PR. Just pick a safe stretch of road (or trail), choose a route that is at least 13.1 miles long, and let it rip.
  • 389,560
  • 3,575,669
    Total Miles Run