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Murphy Ranch: Rustic Canyon

Hiking Trail

3.52 mi
631 ft
Hike to a unique historical site in Rustic Canyon.

Murphy Ranch is a beautiful hike that allows hikers to reach a unique historical site. The hike begins from a neighborhood—not a designated parking lot—but it soon departs the paved roads for a gated dirt road to head down into Rustic Canyon.

The hike begins by traversing along the ridge, but then it drops precipitously into the canyon bottom below. There, it crisscrosses the creek while winding its way through the lush vegetation and towering trees.

In the bottom of the canyon, you'll find the ruins of Murphy Ranch, "a compound built by Nazi sympathizers in the 1930s" that was abandoned after a fire in 1978 and left to decay. ([Source](


Written by Greg Heil
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation

3,000 ft
600 ft700 ft800 ft0.0 mi0.5 mi1.0 mi1.5 mi2.0 mi2.5 mi3.0 mi3.5 mi


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Sullivan Fire Rd Climb0.41 mi187 ft8.2%
Sullivan Fire Road Climb0.42 mi135 ft6.1%
Sullivan Fire Road Climb1.03 mi315 ft5.7%