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Wapama Falls

Hiking Trail

4.79 mi
611 ft
Uncrowded waterfall trail along the cliff-lined lakeshore in Hetch Hetchy Valley.

Much like the famed Yosemite Valley, Hetch Hetchy Valley also has huge granite walls that stream with waterfalls, but they drop into a reservoir rather than into a free-flowing river. The lake in Hetch Hetchy Valley is not what nature intended, but it makes an interesting aesthetic that is altogether different than what’s found elsewhere in Yosemite National Park.

Because Hetch Hetchy does not receive as much traffic as Yosemite Valley, you can avoid the brunt of waterfall-watching crowds by hiking to Wapama Falls. It flows year-round, and not one part of the journey to reach it is uninteresting. The trail crosses the dam, then makes a panoramic traverse above the reservoir, along rock slabs that are sparsely treed, dotted with miniature meadows of mosses and grass, and flecked with wildflowers. The vista is of blue water and towering cliffs the whole way. In spring, two more waterfalls along the way are usually flowing as well. Though the trail crosses some steep terrain, the tougher parts are aided by rock stairs, and the route is well marked, so it’s never too difficult.

Wapama is a tiered waterfall that measures more than 1000 feet. It plummets over two huge vertical drops in succession, then tumbles through a boulder garden into the lake. Beneath the falls, three bridges form the trail over its outflow. At times of high snowmelt in early spring, these bridges can be inundated in spray, but they usually make comfortable viewing platforms. It’s possible to scramble on the rocks for an elevated view, but they are are very slick and steep.

Wapama Falls is the turnaround point for most hikers, but if you want to see more, continue another 4.2 miles to Rancheria Falls. This extension along the same trail makes a much longer day hike, or a rewarding overnight backpacking trip ([Wilderness permit]( required).


Written by Jesse Weber
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation

1 mi
3,850 ft3,900 ft3,950 ft4,000 ft0.0 mi0.5 mi1.0 mi1.5 mi2.0 mi2.5 mi3.0 mi3.5 mi4.0 mi4.5 mi


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Dam to Wapama Falls2.00 mi180 ft0.2%
Dam Climb0.61 mi295 ft9.1%
Dam Climb0.30 mi128 ft7.7%
Segment0.24 mi164 ft12.8%