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Valley View Loop

Hiking Trail

1.45 mi
216 ft
A quick hike near Sun Valley Lodge, with nice views of the resort and the town.

This is an easy jaunt in the vicinity of the White Clouds golf course, right across the street from Sun Valley Lodge. From the sagebrush-covered hillside, you’ll have wonderful views of the resort and its mountain backdrop. You can see the ski runs on Dollar Mountain and also Bald Mountain across the valley. The vista is especially colorful in fall, when the treetops light up, and snow may alight on the distant peaks.

In winter, the trail is covered with snow but remains a popular hike, especially for resort guests stretching their legs between days of skiing. In spring, the trail becomes muddy with snowmelt, and may close temporarily to avoid damage. However, this trail dries out quicker than most in the area, so it’s a local go-to early in the season, and remains popular as a family outing through the rest of the year.

Written by Jesse Weber
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation

2,000 ft
6,000 ft6,050 ft6,100 ft6,150 ft0.0 mi0.2 mi0.4 mi0.6 mi0.8 mi1.0 mi1.2 mi1.4 mi