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Cape Cod Rail Trail

Hiking Trail

22.85 mi
411 ft
A beautiful paved path running through the Cape Cod countryside.

The Cape Cod Rail Trail (CCRT) is a paved pathway that runs 25 miles one-way from South Dennis to Wellfleet, according to [CapeCodBike ]( The trail is renowned for its scenery and beauty as it tours the small communities and countryside found on Cape Cod.

The entire route is mostly flat, aside from a few mellow grades in places. Most people will have no problem riding, running, or walking this trail.

The route shown here is a point-to-point ride, run, or hike along the CCRT. However, you can easily make this route shorter by using a set of different trailheads or access points or by completing an out-and-back and turning around sooner. For a full-blooded road ride, consider turning this into a 50-mile out-and-back ride. If you're looking for bonus miles, some maps also show an additional few miles of trail running further west from the South Dennis trailhead.


Written by Greg Heil
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation

10 mi
20 ft40 ft60 ft80 ft100 ft0.0 mi2.0 mi4.0 mi6.0 mi8.0 mi10.0 mi12.0 mi14.0 mi16.0 mi18.0 mi20.0 mi22.0 mi