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Flagpole Hike along Gunsight Ridge Trail

Hiking Trail

2.44 mi
546 ft
The Flagpole Hike along the Gunsight Ridge Trail is a welcoming hike with great views. It leads to a flagpole which can be seen for miles around. There are several hikes to choose from in this area, and this is one of the more popular easy routes. The trail follows an out and back route and ends in a short but steep climb to the flagpole. This is a popular hike with Strava members in Las Vegas. Although the trail is technically within the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, you do not need a timed ticket to access this trailhead.

Route and Elevation

3,300 ft3,400 ft3,500 ft3,600 ft3,700 ft0.0 mi0.2 mi0.4 mi0.6 mi0.8 mi1.0 mi1.2 mi1.4 mi1.6 mi1.8 mi2.0 mi2.2 mi2.4 mi