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+ 24

Trillium Gap Trail to Grotto Falls

Hiking Trail

2.75 mi
572 ft
When a waterfall forms, it can create an “undercut,” which is an open space behind the cascade of water. The Grotto Falls Hike takes you into the undercut behind Grotto Falls. You’ll take the Trillium Gap Trail to the waterfall then have the opportunity to go behind the main wall of water. This hike follows an out and back route. Because some sections will be steep and slippery and accessing the space behind the falls requires clambering over slippery rock, we’ve labeled this a hard hike. But, just getting to the falls is a more moderate route and may be suitable for less advanced hikers. The Grotto Falls hike is a popular trail with Strava members visiting the park.

Route and Elevation

3,200 ft3,400 ft3,600 ft0.0 mi0.5 mi1.0 mi1.5 mi2.0 mi2.5 mi


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Grotto Falls Hike1.37 mi528 ft7.3%
Roaring Fork Rd Climb0.23 mi138 ft10.9%