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Poo Poo Point Trail

Hiking Trail

6.44 mi
1,698 ft
Poo Poo point is a fun hiking trail just outside Issaquah. This particular route begins along the High School Trail then turns onto the Poo Poo Point Trail itself. The trail gets progressively steeper as you climb towards the summit. When you get there, keep an eye out for paragliders soaring above, as Poo Poo Point is one of the most popular spots around for this activity. Poo Poo Point is one of the most popular hikes in the Seattle area, and sure to be a great choice for a nearby adventure.

Route and Elevation

500 ft1,000 ft1,500 ft0.0 mi1.0 mi2.0 mi3.0 mi4.0 mi5.0 mi6.0 mi