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Twin Falls Trail

Hiking Trail

2.21 mi
533 ft
The Twin Falls Trail is a fun adventure to a set of waterfalls in the Olallie State Park. You’ll trek along the South Fork of the Snoqualmie River before reaching the falls. When you arrive, there are several options for exploring and taking pictures of the beautiful waterfall. The trail is on the shorter side, but there are some challenging bits, so you’re sure to get a good workout. The Twin Falls Trail is popular with local Strava members, so you might make some friends out there!

Route and Elevation

700 ft800 ft900 ft0.0 mi0.2 mi0.4 mi0.6 mi0.8 mi1.0 mi1.2 mi1.4 mi1.6 mi1.8 mi2.0 mi2.2 mi