Pacific Crest Trail Climb

Hike Segment Devils Postpile National Monument, California
  • Distance0.59km
  • Elevation Gain55m
  • Avg Grade7.6%
  • Lowest Elev2,220m
  • Highest Elev2,266m
  • Elev Difference46m
  • 3,708 Attempts By 2,695 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Lauren T 2:20
2 Marcela V 2:54
3 André Ramskjell 3:55
4 Mia Ramskjell 4:14
5 Henry Shatwell 4:18
6 Kenny R 4:25
7 Juan Pablo Vela 4:32
8 David Hilborn 4:34
9 Justin Reischutz 4:38
10 Josh M 4:39
10 Charlotte P 4:39

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