Appalachian Trail Climb

Hike Segment Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest, Georgia
  • Distance0.46km
  • Elevation Gain55m
  • Avg Grade10.5%
  • Lowest Elev1,177m
  • Highest Elev1,226m
  • Elev Difference49m
  • 1,005 Attempts By 785 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Justin Straup 5:14
3 Skyler Edmonds 5:27
4 Lee Mobley 5:28
5 Jack Froistad 5:31
6 David Muse 5:34
7 Squalo ⛰️ 5:35
8 Cody Auterio 5:38
8 Tara H 5:38
10 Mindy Yeung 5:39
10 Taylor Churchill 5:39
10 Cole S 5:39

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