Pacific Crest Trail Climb

Hike Segment Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, California
  • Distance0.77km
  • Elevation Gain66m
  • Avg Grade8.0%
  • Lowest Elev3,219m
  • Highest Elev3,281m
  • Elev Difference62m
  • 440 Attempts By 419 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Ch1rag . 7:45
2 Callum Burgess 7:55
3 Kyle Darling 7:56
4 Riley S 8:11
5 Jake B 8:17
6 Tim Fisher 8:28
7 Richard Clark 8:50
8 Gabriele B 8:51
9 Ben S 8:58
10 Ethan Durant 8:59

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