Appalachian Trail Climb

Hike Segment Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest, Georgia
  • Distance0.92km
  • Elevation Gain52m
  • Avg Grade4.5%
  • Lowest Elev967m
  • Highest Elev1,009m
  • Elev Difference42m
  • 2,393 Attempts By 1,216 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Rob Stuckey 5:38
2 seth a 6:02
3 Travis W 6:30
4 Garrett Stelling 6:35
5 Zachary Kancher 6:44
6 Grant Bickwit 6:46
7 Dan Matisoff 7:07
8 T J 7:19
9 Pierre-Luc Lesmerises 7:23
10 Billy Bradach 7:26

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