Appalachian Trail Climb

Hike Segment Town of Putnam Valley, New York
  • Distance0.55km
  • Elevation Gain51m
  • Avg Grade8.3%
  • Lowest Elev283m
  • Highest Elev329m
  • Elev Difference46m
  • 562 Attempts By 475 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Dan Behr 3:59
2 Sarah Rose 4:59
3 Seth Chasteen 5:07
4 Maple D'Angelo 5:10
5 Falk Tischer 5:13
6 Daniel Ramirez 5:49
7 John C 5:55
8 Emily D 5:58
9 Cory Snyder 6:09
10 Michael Kahns 6:13
10 Katharine Spector 6:13

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