Old Rag Road Climb

Hike Segment Shenandoah National Park, Virginia
  • Distance0.53km
  • Elevation Gain85m
  • Avg Grade13.1%
  • Lowest Elev623m
  • Highest Elev692m
  • Elev Difference69m
  • 3,353 Attempts By 2,667 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Josh F 4:36
2 Jared D 5:04
3 Alex Dallas 5:09
4 Joel Troyer 5:14
5 Walt K 5:17
6 Ryan Kurtz 5:18
7 Paul Volesky 5:27
8 Margaret Tamm 5:30
9 Jacob Ondash 5:34
10 Johnny Cilantro 5:35

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