warm up

Hike Segment San Diego, California
  • Distance0.36km
  • Elevation Gain37m
  • Avg Grade9.3%
  • Lowest Elev200m
  • Highest Elev236m
  • Elev Difference36m
  • 20,607 Attempts By 7,597 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Nelson Gomes 1:39
2 Nathan Shipman @Chainline Bikes 1:40
3 Tyler Neuwirth 1:42
4 Brian Petty 1:50
4 James Odom 1:50
6 Samuel Portillo 1:51
7 Alex S 1:52
7 Justin Escaravage 1:52
9 Cameron Holl 1:54
10 Daniel Osuna 1:56
10 Justin Waddell 1:56

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