Pacific Crest Trail Climb

Hike Segment Inyo National Forest, California
  • Distance0.87km
  • Elevation Gain74m
  • Avg Grade6.8%
  • Lowest Elev2,637m
  • Highest Elev2,697m
  • Elev Difference59m
  • 486 Attempts By 379 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Eamonn M 7:00
2 Mark DiFalco 7:13
3 Tim Van Rooij 7:14
4 Simon Philipp Krammig 7:20
5 Ryan C 8:06
6 Brian Cunningham 8:08
7 Carman C 8:11
7 Alex Ing-Simmons 8:11
9 Jeff Conocenti 8:16
10 Alex Walker 8:19

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