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Photo of Hiking Trails in Wisconsin

The Best Hiking Trails in Wisconsin

Explore Hiking Trails

Top 13 hiking trails in Wisconsin

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Seven Bridges

0.94 mi·
100 ft
The Seven Bridges trail is a short hike down to the shores of Lake Michigan, and the direct route is even shorter than the route mapped here. And yet, it is still widely regarded as one of the best hikes in Milwaukee! The trail begins by passing over a beautiful wooden bridge, with an enchanting entryway that harkens back to the old world in Europe....

Hoyt Park

2.04 mi·
29 ft
For a quick hiking hit on the western side of the city of Milwaukee, consider Hoyt Park. With easy access, relatively safe and secure parking, and well-built trails that loop around the park, Hoyt offers a very achievable escape from the press of the city on beautiful, narrow singletrack....

Timms Hill

0.33 mi·
115 ft
Timms Hill is the highest point in the state of Wisconsin. This low hill is located in the highest-elevation area of the state, and while it might be the state's high point, it doesn't have a lot of vertical relief above the surrounding landscape....

Lost Creek Falls

2.31 mi·
281 ft
This short hike to Lost Creek Falls provides an isolated jaunt through a beautiful swath of the northwoods. This trail gains and loses very minimal elevation along its length, allowing you to quickly knock out the miles if you're fit....

Morgan Falls

1.48 mi·
68 ft
Morgan Falls is an absolutely beautiful hike in the Chequamegon National Forest that also happens to be fully wheelchair-accessible. This 1.5-mile round-trip hike traverses a flat, well-developed gravel trail that crosses a couple of impressive bridges and a few boardwalks....

John Muir Loop

11.0 mi·
798 ft
The Southern Unit of Wisconsin's Kettle Moraine State Forest is home to an extensive trail system known alternatively as the "John Muir Trails" or "Emma Carlin." The two names come from the respective trailheads and trail loops at either end of the trail network....

Emma Carlin Green Loop

6.46 mi·
574 ft
The Southern Unit of Wisconsin's Kettle Moraine State Forest is home to an extensive trail system known alternatively as the "John Muir Trails" or "Emma Carlin." The two names come from the respective trailheads and trail loops at either end of the trail network....

Seeley Pass

12.96 mi·
1,013 ft
"The CAMBA system has become recognized as the Singletrack Capital of the Midwest, with the most extensive system of interconnected singletrack east of the Mississippi,” [according to the CAMBA Trail Guide](https://www....

Saint Peters Dome

3.67 mi·
603 ft
Saint Peters Dome is one of the most popular short hikes in Northern Wisconsin. This brief but beautiful jaunt through the forest serves up a rushing waterfall, babbling brooks, a beautiful second-growth forest, and finally, an incredible overlook of the Chequamegon National Forest....

Sentinel Ridge Trail

3.15 mi·
858 ft
Wyalusing State Park “is a 2,628-acre Wisconsin state park at the confluence of the Mississippi and Wisconsin rivers,” [according to Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wyalusing_State_Park). One of Wisconsin’s oldest parks, Wyalusing is home to Indian burial mounds, a canoe trail in the river, and beautiful hiking trails along the bluffs....

Meyer's Beach Sea Cave Trail

4.28 mi·
314 ft
The Apostles Island National Lake Shore protects a beautiful array of islands, shoreline, and pristine water just off the Wisconsin mainland in Lake Superior. "Centuries of wave action, freezing, and thawing have sculpted shorelines throughout Apostle Islands National Lakeshore," [according to the NPS](https://www....

Wildcat Mound

1.92 mi·
461 ft
The glacier-scraped landscape of Central Wisconsin is almost pancake flat, except for where it is interrupted by isolated hills that the glaciers somehow didn't completely flatten. In Clark County, the names assigned to these hills are much more honest than you'll find in other areas of the state....

The Ice Age Trail

1,114.62 mi·
63,947 ft
One of only 11 National Scenic Trails in the country, this 1000+ mile hike leads you through everything from city centres to forests, prairies and lake fronts. Doing the whole Ice Age Trail in one go is a huge undertaking, but the number of towns which dot the route make it slightly less daunting and logistically easier than many other big thru-hikes....
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